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Denns Matthews Electronic EngineerCompleted This Display Below for California Water Department 

Past Contracts:  Dennis Matthews Founder  As DBA LCE 1989 Started


 State of California Department OF Water Resources

Vista del Lago Vistors Center 

Kathy M. Simmons 

Outreach and Water Education Coordinator 

Vista del Lago Road off 1-5 at Pyramind Lake 

Southern Field Division 

34534 11th Street 

P.O. Box 1187 

Pearblossom,CA 93553 

PH 661-294-0219 


This project was the real being of LCE  to move forward on  

State to Federal contracts.She  trusted Dennis Matthews,( Kathy M. Simmons) 

She award my company a State Contract to repair and maintenance of a Display

Demo Water Model Display on how Califormia received water which is interactive. This project was 14 years ago and the Water Display is still working great today 03/15/2016.


Through a giant mock pipeline, visitors enter the STATE WATER PROJECT ROOM, where a three-dimensional model depicts all the Project's facilities, including reservoirs and power and pumping plants.


Another display illustrates the massive tools used to construct the SWP, the nation's largest state-built water and power development system. The difficulty of pumping water up-hill 1,926 feet is made clear with the PUMPING WHEEL. Other exhibits include a TIMELINE OF CALIFORNIA'S WATER HISTORY and a video flight, “WINGS OVER WATER”, soaring over the entire length of the State Water Project.

see more


Federal Contract Below






6.Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) 

7. White Sand Missile Base 

8.Marine Corps Base Quantico


Commerical Past contract  

9.Tornier Medical 

Dennis Matthews Setup for 300 Medical Doctors from Around the world  a global

 Conference at Hilton Hotel AZ to Paris, France's  using 

interactive conference connected to OR room in Parris into Hilton Hotel Az. 

VTC and  LCE Black Box  connected to Projector over ISDN and ATM to  livestream 

 over internet . At the Hilton Hotel  300 Doctors watch live at the conferance to learn a new Surger on repalcement of Shoulder bone rotor cap  in a OR room

on  product in-depth comprehensive anatomical research.




1.Riverside Police California Contractor to   repair  of CCD Cameras.


2.San Bernardino Sheriff Department contractor. Video and Audio Video Tapes

Networking Configurationfor Superior Court cases.


3. Chuckawalla Valley State Prison Setup and Installation for 200 Computers maintenance upgrade 286 PC to 386, as Contractor.


4.Chino Prison  as  Contractor to TV Repair unit and Installation.


5. Avenal State Prison  as  Contractor Supply VCR none recorder.


6.California State University  San Bernadino CA he supplier 250 Computers, Sony CD Sever  Project  Parntner  with Dyncorp.

 Create  one  of First internet  Classroom 


7.Unisys Corp. $68 Million Dollars 

Data Center in Salt Lake UT. as  Sub-contractor LCE Newport Beach

Supplier of Personnel on PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources and Novell Certified contract to Unisys  Data Center.



8. Citi Group EBT Contract State of Calif

$278 Million Dollars Contract as Sub-contractor under primary Citi Group.

Supplier for Video Conference Equipment .


9.FAA Contract for 11 international Airports

across USA and Alaska Supply and Installation as contractor.

Video Conference Equipment. 



10. Pentagon  Contractor for 

four VTC Units supply and installation

at Fort Belvior VA 


11. Langley AFB supplier of 22 high Speed systems. Primary  Contractor


12. Veteran Adminstartion 

       St.Lewis Il  Primary  Contractor

 Employee Training Program 

intrgation and VTC equipment 


13. EPA Washington DC 

supplier and installation

four VTC SYSTEM Primary Contractor


14.U.S Elmendorf Air Force Alaska 

VTC  Display installation. as Primary  Contractor.


15.White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) is a United States Army rocket range supply of VTC four units. Primary  Contractor


16. Redstone Arsenal and Space Missile Command Huntsville Alabama. AMCON

Blank  Purchase Order Agreement  Primary  Contractor.


16. Commerial Sub Contract  $20 Million Dollars Work with TSS as Primary 

Under  U.S. Aids,GSA and EDDI 

Setup Resoure center in Africa 

for Disable Students and woman East,West

South Africa for distance Education

Supply and Installation on Videoconference 



17.UCLA VTC for 20OScientist Dark Matter.

Setup equipment and connected to other 

University. Primary  Contractor.


 This one day interactive conference brings together a cross section of industry experts and academic thought leaders who are shaping and defining the Big Data conversation.


18.Pepperdine University

California.  Primary Contractor to Setup connection to South Africa for 30 Students.

Using  VTC over  ISDN for Study on Peace Pastor in Johnnesberg South Africa .


19. Working with Inc 

Setup  Home of Entertainment 

Bevelyhills CA for Pay per View Music and Artist Concerts. Primary Contractor


20. Setup Tommy Wind Theater

for Live Inc /VAL TV Network. 

Magic Comedy Show Pay per View.


LCE Newport Beach Inc 

117 Wholesale Ave 

Suite 2 

Huntsville Alabama 35611


California Office 

15361 Brookhurst St. 

Suite 212 

Westminster CA 92683 


LCE Newport Beach IT,Inc 

3218 East Holt Ave 

West Covina CA 91791 


LCE Newport Beach Inc 

317 S. 6th Street 

Las Vegas NV 89101 



Business alliance, consortium, coalition.

For  Bidder contracts Over $250 Million 

Funding By South star Capital has unlimited money to do Purchase Order and Account receivable for LCE Newport Beach Inc 


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