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Provide Government IT Services and More Completed 31 Contracts (949) 394-3221
Contact Dennis Matthews 949-394-3221
Dennis Matthews CEO Inventor of LCE Black Box Technology
IN USA TODAY News Paper 31 Federal Contracts.completed in USA Today News paper 2022
Dennis Matthews CEO
Chairman Dennis Matthews was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and lived in an foster home before Grand Mother found Him and They removed him to live
with Grandmother Mattie Lee Allen in Alabama at One Year of Age. He stay with Grandmother until
enter U.S. Marines Oct 1977 to 1983. MOS 3121
He was raised in Huntsville, Alabama, by his Grandmother Mattie Lee Allen. Dennis over came many hardships and has become a consistent over achiever. Graduating with Honors in Electronic Engineering, and serving five years in the Marines facilitated Dennis to utilize technology and create a way to set up computer networking and video conferencing to achieve numerous goals and catapult his career.
The different companies and agencies that he created this technology for are: The Pentagon, U.S. Army, EPA, Federal Aviation Administration, Langley U.S. Air Force Base and the Elmendorf Anchorage Alaska AFB. He has subcontracted for IBM, Citicorp, Unisys, and many other top Fortune 500 companies and government agencies.Dennis is a board member of the NGO African Diaspora Foundation, United Nations Association, US-Africa Chamber of Commerce and the United States International Mission.
Mr. Matthews founded his first company LCE as a DBA in 1986 while working at the Dow Jones/ Wall Street Company as an Earth Station technician for satellite communications. LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc. was started in February 2011. The company specializes in technology and construction. It is a Small Disabled Veteran Owned Business (PL 108-193(SDVOBS).
A division of LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc. is D2 Health Management, LLC dba D2 Genetics and D2 Laboratories (D2) are COLA and CLIA certified laboratories with a mission to provide personalized patient care. D2 Genetics and D2 Laboratories are licensed to conduct business in every state except New York, Maryland and Rhode Island. Through molecular diagnostic testing (Next Generation Sequencing), D2 Genetics is able to accurately determine how prescribed medications are metabolized by the patient, as triggered by his or her DNA.
This service assists physicians in identifying the correct drug dosages for patients, eliminate or minimize adverse drug reactions, and identify the most efficient and effective drug therapy programs. D2’s innovative DNA testing allows us to improve patient care for a specific demographic of patients, including those needing treatment for mental health, oncology, cardiovascular, pain management, women’s health, and orthopedic treatment. In addition, D2 Laboratories has been successful through the development of our Urine Drug Testing (UDT) in effectively assisting both in patient and out-patient clinics.
Urine is the most common compliance specimen type. Some of the advantageous include ease of collection, typically higher drug concentrations and an increased detection window. At D2 Laboratories we utilize proprietary testing methodologies designed to support and improve clinical decision making based on objective information that helps clinicians.
D2 was founded on the premise of assisting health care providers the ability to provide unmatched patient care and reduce the unfortunate loss of life due to drug toxicity. This is the driving force behind the physician’s impetus in using our lab services. When physicians are educated on and provided the details of our services, they understand how they can better treat patients and eliminate significant complications.
A secondary advantage to the innovative services provided by D2 is the avoidance of unnecessary hospitalization due to the adverse drug reactions or drug toxicity. This key objection in the affordable care act can now can be effectively managed through the use of D2 Genetics’ molecular diagnostic testing and D2 Laboratories Urine Drug Testing (UDT). Another company operating under D2 Health Management, is MacDill Pharmacy.
MacDill Pharmacy is a full service retail and non-sterile compounding pharmacy located and licensed in the State of Florida. We are currently licensed in 37 states throughout the United States planning on being licensed in all 50 end of the year. MacDill Pharmacy specializes in customizing medications for individual patient needs. Our current area of expertise includes wound care, scar healing, pain management, podiatry care, HIV compounds, and veterinary compounds.
We also carry a full line of durable medical equipment (DME). D2’s mission is to deliver meaningful Personalized Medicine results to patients, providing health care professionals the necessary tools to leverage their knowledge and truly individualize treatment plans. NGS and UDT testing help provide the right medications, at the right dose, and effectively lower overall healthcare expenditures while delivering the best health outcome for the patient.
PRICE SHEET Testing Examples: Genetic Testing$1295
Urine Drug Testing$495DME
Examples: Walker with Glides$30.40
Walker with Wheels$36.37
Wheelchair 16’$176.00
Wheelchair 18’$176.00
Wheelchair 19’$176.00
Nebulizer $ 26.40
We can supply Sole Source Contract Advanced Education Live-streaming Technology System
LCE White Box a Black Box as 24/7 computer module accessible learning format and coincident monthly video tele-conferencing (VTC) PSTD and other
Medical training.
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